Fjarfest í hjólreiðar : Bretar geta grætt 520 milljón pund


20.11.2007Investment in cycling could save £520m

Cycling England has told the Government that encouraging more people to cycle on Britain's roads could save the taxpayer more than £520m and fight climate change. A 20% increase in cycle journeys would lower health  care costs and reduce congestion, according to a report by SQW Consulting. A £70m annual investment in cycling initiatives could cut up to 54 million car journeys and year and reduce CO2 emissions by 35,000 tonnes.

An adult who swaps a car for a bicycle on a return journey of 2.5 miles will accrue annual savings of £137.28. A regular cyclist saves the NHS £28.30 a year. "There are very few activities that tackle so many of the things that the government is concerned about, from health and obesity to government and pollution," said Phillip Darnton, chairman of Cycling England. "An investment of £70m is small in terms of government spending, and this study shows that it will work."

A DfT spokeswoman said: "We are aware cycling brings economic benefits in terms of reducing congestion, helping tackle climate change and improving air quality and health – that's why the government is working to promote cycling. But we need to study these figures further."



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1 identicon

Vil bara benda å ad enska ordid " save " thydir ad spara, en ekki græda.  Annars eru otrulega margir sem halda ad spara og græda seu thad sama.......

Þórarinn Jóhann Jónsson (IP-tala skráð) 14.12.2007 kl. 09:14

2 Smámynd: Morten Lange

Takk fyrir athugasemdina,  Þórarinn. Þetta er að sjálfsögðu rétt hjá þér, en ég veit ekki allveg hvert þú sért að fara með þetta samt ? 

Punkturinn er að í samfélagi sem vill mæla allt í peningum, virðist hafa gleymst að lélegt heilbrigði, til dæmis tengd hreyfgingarleysi komi harkalega niður á fjárhag okkar.  Og á gæðum samfélagsins meira almennt. Og það sama má segja um mengun af völdum til dæmis umferðar.

Morten Lange, 14.12.2007 kl. 14:29

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