Beijing notar reiðhjól til að hreinsa loftinu fyri Ólympíuleikana

Um þessa sjálfsagða lausn má lesa á vef European Cyclists' Federation.  Með þessu litur út fyrir að þeir muni slá París við í fjölda leiguhjóla  ( 20.000 ),  en miðað við íbúafjölda hefur París sennilega forystuna.



50,000 rental bikes for Chinese capital Beijing, China
– The first 31 in a series of 200 bicycle rental stations have been opened in Beijing. The remaining will be open by next year's Olympics, and there will be more than 50,000 bikes for rent. These bike rental stations are a parts of the government's program to ensure clean air for next year's Olympics. The system works very easily. People can dial a hotline number to reserve a bike. And, if the bike you rent breaks down, you can go to the nearest station to swop it for another.
The rental stations are located at subway stations, bus stops, commercial areas and the Olympics venues. Following the success of the car reduction test event, which ended yesterday and recorded four consecutive days of Grade II air quality, the government unveiled a new bike rental scheme to maintain the momentum.
The city council hopes a new bike promotion campaign will meet equal popularity and reinforce Beijing’s status as the capital of the “Kingdom of the Bicycle”.

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