Hjólreiðar á dagsskrá í Bali - fund SÞ um loftslagsbreytingar ?

Frétt frá European Cyclists' Federation , sem Landssamtök hjólreiðamanna er aðili að.


 20.11.2007Bikes on Top of Agenda at UN Climate Conference


The Indonesian President, Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, officially launched the “Bicycle for Earth Goes to Bali”, last week in Jakarta. A team of 50 riders will cover 1447 kilometres in 23 days visiting 44 Indonesian cities. They will finish in Bali to coincide with the start of the United Nations Climate Change Conference on December 3.

The President and the First Lady took part in the first stage of the ride along with, Indonesian government ministers, celebrities, members of the public and of course the official Bicycle for Earth Goes to Bali team of 50 riders.

During their trip the team will raise awareness amongst the Indonesian public, on how riding a bicycle for transport can help fight climate change. Global cycling advocacy groups, including the Global Alliance for EcoMobility in which the bike industry is involved, are trying to get the bicycle as an environmental friendly alternative on top of the agenda at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December.


Þess er vert að minna á að ICLEI, Alþjóðleg samtök sveitarfélaga, eru mikilvægir aðilar að    Global Alliance for EcoMobilit

( Morten )
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