Hættuminna að hjóla en að reyta arfa ?
4.12.2007 | 00:33
Nýlega kom fram sú frétt í fréttabréfi Bresku Landssamtakana um ransókn sýni að hjólreiðar geta verið hættuminna en að vinna í garðinum.
Þetta hefur komið fram áður samkvæmt lestur Frank Krygowski :
Powell, K.E., "Injury rates from walking, gardenint, weightlifting, outdoor bicycling, and aerobics," Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1998, V. 30 pp. 1246-1249.
Researchers polled 5238 subjects by telephone, simply asking if they'd
done any of those activities in the past 30 days. Those who answered
"yes" for a given activity were asked further questions about it,
including whether they were injured "severely enough that you went for
medical care or missed one-half day or more of work, housework, or school."
Percentage injured results were:
1.4% of aerobic or aerobic dance participants were injured; 1.6% of
gardeners; 1.4% of those walking for exercise; 2.4% of weightlifters;
and 0.9% of bicyclists.
Maður mundi kannski halda að þessi munur sé vegna aldursmuns, en í útdráttinum stendur :
During walking and gardening, men and women were equally likely to be injured, but younger people (18-44 yr) were more likely to be injured than older people (45 + yr).
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